Saturday, October 1, 2011

What a pitiful post.

I'm sorry I haven't "blogged". Nothing really to talk about.

It's been three weeks since I applied at the cupcake shop and still no call from them. :/
Schools going well. Just ready to graduate.
Haven't worked out for 3 weeks...I'm ashamed.
It's finally getting cooler here. Will probably only last for the weekend.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's not the Power of the Curse, it's the Power you give the Curse.

So I was watching Penelope (cute movie) and this title was the moral of the story. Anyways.

This week at school was short, but seemed like forever. Had four test Friday (insane teachers!) but that also means no homework in most my classes! Last night after dinner, my dad, mom, and I went to a cupcake shop I saw. It was cute. I asked the girl working if they were hiring...THEY ARE!!! She couldn't find an application so she said come back tomorrow (today) and talk with the manager. So I drove back and I don't if I spoke with her but a lady got me an application, I filled it out and now I am just waiting for a call. This would be my first job if they hire me. It is a goal of mine to have my first job working in a bakery. Those who know me, know I love to bake.

I've been baking since I think when I was 11, 12 maybe. I can't bake much since my mom doesn't want me to because it is a "temptation" to her, so it would be wonderful if I worked in a bakery.
I'm trying not to get to pumped or excited about this, so if nothing happens, I won't be devastated. But I am just a little excited. *Cross fingers*

Well wish me luck!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I don't know a clever title to put, so I will just say this.

HA! Finally I got a post put up on a Saturday.
Today, dad, mom and I went to the movie theatre and saw The Debt. This was the first movie I walked into not knowing what it was about. My dad was the one who wanted to see it. I figured he "toughed" through Harry Potter, I guess I could tough through it.
We were first in the theatre and we were 30 minutes early, it was just a little but creepy because they weren't even playing previews. Anyways, the movie started and a few more people came and the moment I saw Sam Worthington was in the movie, I thought "This movie isn't THAT bad." :p He made everything better. Overall, it was a good movie.

Well then, I think that's all. ...(:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Busy Busy Bee!

Sorry folks! Haven't blogged in a while. I meant to post one the day I started school, but got distracted and the rest of the week had homework. It's really late and I just finished all my homework and worked on my friends birthday gift I meant to send wednesday. It's been a busy week. I have church in the morning and it is almost midnight. So excuse any sentance or words that do not make sense.

Tuesday was my first day at school. I had my moments of slight breakdowns. It was all very overwhelming; going into a school I am not familiar with and not seeing ONE face I know. It was a bit scary. My parents weren't there (of course) so I had no one to fall back on. But I sucked it up, had to, and went on. Wednesday wasn't as bad, I didn't need my schedule of map to find my class so I guess I memorized my route. I've been sitting alone at lunch, but I really don't mind. I just do my summer reading. I don't expect to make any good friends here, just accqantices in class to talk about class work. It's not that different from my old school. I wasn't very social of spirited at my school, never really cared to be. There weren't that many good people at that school, I don't care to be associated with teenagers who drink or smoke pot. I have no desire to be with them. Ugh, anyways, School is School. I'm just trying to get through it and graduate.

These girls have been on my mind a lot lately. Miss them terribly!!

                                     Haha the beginning of 2012. This always makes my chuckle!

Yes well, church in the morning. Always love going. It's so refreshing to be around Christians when around cursing teenagers all week. Last Wednesday was really nice. It felt like a cold drink of water in a desert, ahhhh. Night y'all!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Last Day Summer D':

Today, is a devastating day.  School begins tomorrow. New school or old school, I still don't like school. Tomorrow will be very interesting. Walking into a new place and not see ONE familiar face.
My schedule has me running from corner to corner, and up and down the stairs. It's madness!! The stairs at the school are a foot high and steep; they definitely do not want you running up the stairs.
I get up at 6 in the morning (probably 5 for those at home) and school starts at 7:30. We get out at 3 everyday, but every Monday we get out at 2. I don't know why but fine with me.

I have my backpack all packed with the school supplies. I'm a bit nervous, new school and harder class. This will really test my intelligence.
Oh! With the summer book I'm forced to read...well not quite there. Not even in the hundreds page and my English teacher says we have a test over it next Monday...oh crap!

Well I should better start reading if I wanna be able to "ace" half that test.

TTFN!    /\/\/

(How awesome is my signiture?)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I already failed at this blog thing. I said I'd write one every Saturday and look, it's Sunday night.

Anyways. Friday afternoon we drove down to Sarasota. We didn't swim like I thought I would, but I'm not to bummed. I think I have a slight fear of swimming IN the ocean. I only go knee deep before I'm nervous of something stinging me and pulling me under. We just walked along the beach a little and looked at seashells and then went to Yoder's. Yoder's Amish Village is so fun and cute. It was mainly a a restaurant and it's gotten bigger to where it also has a giftshop, fresh market and deli. The food the restaurant was so amazing. They homecook all the meals and it's the best. Especially the pies!! There are endless selection of pies and they are all freshly made. I got fresh baked peach pie. O.O   My goodness it was wonnnderfull!! John had the peanut butter cream pie, Mom had Key Lime Pie, and Dad got, I think, Apple pie. All so good.

Saturday and Today, didn't do much. Just lounging and Church.

Tomorrow, Mom, John, and I are going back to Tarpon Spring (aka Largest Sponge Diving Capitol in the World...I think) to walk around a take a boat tour. It will be interesting. I've never been on a boat, so I hope it's a fun experience. Maybe I'll see more dolphins. I'm starting to see some dolphins, well their back fin, swimming around.

Update on my summer reading...yeah I'm like on page 39. Not good.

My whole body is so sore. I've been working out a lot but I'm just now recently getting all achy and sorey(?) Mainly my abs are on fire. I have to roll off my bed or couch.
We got a Wii Fit yesterday and it is interesting. It weighed me and told my BMI and guessed my age. It got my age correct, 17. Said I was average/ healthy weight so I was pleased to see that and that I lost a pound from last week. Whoop!!

Well School starts in a week...gross.

Well I need my rest. Night and God Bless!